What're your questions for the world?


Hey! This blog is about asking questions that're on my mind or that people may ask me. These are not little questions really and they can have multiple answers so feel free to answer them as you see fit. The whole point of the site is to have people think about the world and the way things are. If you don't agree with something I've said tell me why with a comment (you have to have a google account), but please don't use that as a way to be obnoxious. Everything is pretty much up in the air when it comes to what you think and how you feel about something so I can't really set down any guidelines other than don't be too judgmental of another comment or of something I may have said.

Stay open-minded and hear people out. =]

Hope you enjoy and don't criticize what I'm trying to say too harshly. Although of course I'm open to criticism and debates. =]


Also...Email me @: tomiahayes@yahoo.com if you have a question you'd like to have posted on the site. Remember they have to be versatile and have many possible answers and they can't be...child-ish.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Why: Are Women Considered To Be Beneath Men?

       Now, I am not just asking this question because I'm a female. I'm asking because when you think about it, it makes no sense. Men are no better than women. We're all (for the most part) made the same. Yet, because men are slightly stronger, they feel they have more power than us women. But, I beg to differ!
       Women can do EVERYTHING. I'm not making an exaggeration when I say that at all. The only thing we really need men for is reproduction. Other than that, they aren't needed. They're more of a kind of want. I'm not trying to offend anyone of the opposite sex here. That's not my intention at all. All I'm saying is, if it weren't for the fact that without you we wouldn't have anymore people, we wouldn't use you.
       A lot of arguments for this subject will come from the fact that God made men first and women come from men. -__- really? Is that all you've got? If it weren't for men we probably wouldn't have had so many wars. If it weren't for men we wouldn't have anywhere near this many rapes. The list can continue to go on.
       For the longest time women weren't allowed to learn, we weren't allowed to vote, men pretty much didn't let us think. Now, sure we can vote, we can go to school, we can think...for the most part..., but are we treated equally? A lot  of people will say that there are double standards...And there are! Men usually get paid more than women. Men can't hit women. Yet, we're equal? I'm not saying that hitting a female is right! We're still a lot more fragile than men...But that's the only argument a man can throw at this situation. "If women really want equal rights they'll learn how to take a hit or two"...Do we really want to go there?!
       No women are not treated like men in my opinion. We're steadily placed beneath them in all means and I don't believe that's fair. They really have no reason to think of us as less to them. Especially, when they're so weak in will power when it comes to the opposite sex....We could make them do whatever we pleased. Yea, think about that.
       So someone give me a valid reason...Why?

Why: Do People Kill People That Kill People To Show That Killing Is Wrong? (Asked By Kathryn)

       That is such a good question. I mean, of all the double standards in the world...
       When someone murders someone else (and they're actually caught), they're sentenced with either life in jail or death. Now, I totally get that the murder victims loved ones are gonna be pretty pissed and distraught. They'll all want revenge and whatnot. It's just that...If we're trying to tell people that killing other people is bad...What sense does it make to kill someone to prove that point? 
       "If you kill someone we're just gonna kill you"...really? 
        As people, we all have emotions and our instinct is to get rid of the problem, in this case that's always the killer. I guess I see the logic when it comes to say a serial killer, kill one person save a lot of lives...But when you look at it from the view point of "We're teaching the world a lesson" I don't really see how they expect us to listen when they're killing people. I could see maybe torturing somebody and locking them up for the rest of their lives, but when a person kills, say, an entire family, and you repay them but injecting them with some drug that let's them feel no pain...what is that really saying? "You kill someone and let them hurt, and we'll kill you nice and easy." I don't see the logic there. 
       All-in-all it's a pretty stupid system. If we don't want people to be killed...Why are we just gonna kill people? I mean that could anger a lot of people and make them go out and kill more people. Am I the only one who thinks like that?
       Well...You tell me...Why? Does that make sense?

Why: Is It That The People Who You Think Are Happiest Usually Aren't? (Asked By Meghan)

       Reading this question made me think of the saying "You can't judge a book by it's cover".  People can say how happy they are, say what a good life they're having...And they can be lying right to your face. Sometimes the best actors/actresses are those who have to put on a show for people every single day of their lives.
       You see this more in young people (teenagers). They can go to school and seem like the happiest person in the world. They can have all of the friends in the world, be so popular, and still be close to dying on the inside. You'd never think it was them though, 'cause they know how to hide the pain they're in. You can't point them out like you can the people who LOOK down and hurt all the time. You can't say "They must be going through it" because you would never know. They hide it that well.
       I don't know everyone's story though..So you can tell me why...

Is: There Life After Death? (Asked by Ari)

       What an interesting question. It's much like the "Why Do Humans Exist" question. The religious answer is the first thing that popped into my head, being raised in a Christian household, my first thought was: "You're either going to heaven or hell when the time comes." Not everyone believes in that though. For all I know when we die we'll all just rot in the ground for the rest of eternity!
       Life after death is really just a big contradiction. If you die...What gives you the right to have life again? And if you do come back to life will you end up dying another time or will you just stay immortal? Honestly, I don't see why anyone would WANT to be immortal. Don't you think you'd get just a tad bit bored after a while? Maybe it's just me, but I don't want to have to die...Come back to life not knowing whether I'm going to burn for all eternity or play on clouds...then have to either suffer for another life that will never end or be living the life and soon get bored with living.
       So really my answer would be "I kind of hope not", but what do I know?

What: Is Your Definition Of Love? (Asked By Anna)

       "When your heart is no longer yours and gravity is no longer what holds you to the ground. When your heart belongs to the love of your life and they are all that keeps you grounded...That's when you know you're in love" -Asking_Why

       Love can be found anywhere if you're truly looking for it. When you have your eyes wide and searching it can sometimes seem like it slaps you in the face. And really, that's not a bad thing at all. 
       Everyone sees love differently, but when you're truly in love you feel it just as deeply as the next person. We may define it differently, in a way, but the emotion is still the same. But WHAT is love? How can you know when you've found the one you were always looking for? How can you test that your love is real and true?
       When someone falls in love they should know what they're getting into, it shouldn't be much of a surprise. Love comes with hurt and pain, just as well as happiness and joy. There is no true definition of love, just various ways to put it to words. 

Why: Do We Take Everything For Granted?

       Everyone has something to be thankful for. No matter your circumstances you have a reason to be happy. The only thing is a lot of the time people take for granted everything that they have. They feel that they deserve all the good fortune that they have. And that confuses me. 
       There's so much that I COULD take for granted: being alive, being able to see, being able to talk, having all of my limbs, having a family, being able to read/write, being able to comprehend, having a roof over my head, having clothes on my back, and the list can go on and on. These are things we don't really think about all the time. We take all of it for granted, because we don't have to struggle. Now...What about those people in the third world countries who don't have what we have, what about those people who can't see, speak, or hear, what about those people who were born with mental/physical disabilities, and what about those people who have one shirt, one pair of pants, and they have to live on the streets? Compared to them we have so much to be thankful for. They don't take anything for granted, because they don't have everything that we have. 
       Is it fair to take so much for granted while so many are suffering? Would you trade places with someone who had none of the things you have? Be honest. You don't want to be someone who doesn't have the opportunities that you do. But you don't do anything that shows how grateful you are to be you. I know I didn't until I really started to think about this question. 
     Tell me why...

What: Is Your Vision For The World?

       Everyone pictures the world differently, even if it's just slightly different from the last person, but we all think with an imagination that can run wild, if we wanted it to, on a regular basis. If the world were like clay and you could mold it so that it was how you wanted it to be, how would your sculpture come out? When you think about all the different possibilities there's so much that the world could improve on...Then again if you're the selfish type of person there's so much that you could make happen for you (I'm not judging).
       None the less, everyone has a vision. Everyone has something that they want to change about this place (the world). If it was up to me, there would be perfect harmony everywhere around the world. World hunger wouldn't exist (everyone would have Mountain Dew and Oreos) and world peace would've been figured out a long time ago (Rock, Paper, Scissors baby!). That's been my vision since I figured out how good my life was, because I lived here in the U.S.
       My vision may never come true but at least I can think about, dream about it, and try to find ways for it all to happen.
      What's your vision?

How: Do You Use Your Voice?

       If I was talking about you're regular everyday voice that'd be quite a waste a time. What I'm asking is how do you use the ability you have (that we all have) to make a difference. A lot of people make excuses about how young they are and how no one will listen to them, how they can't do anything for the world, or how the world won't change. I'm here to tell you that that's complete BULL.
       To use your voice the way you want to you have to make an attempt, you have to go out and do something. You can't just wait around expecting for an opportunity to just fall into your lap, that doesn't happen every second of everyday. You have to put forth an actual effort to make things happen, if you really want that change you have to go out and find a way to make it happen. That's what using your voice is all about. Doing what you never thought would be possible to do, and being able to look back and say "Yea, I made that happen."
       Right now as I type this I'm using my voice. Asking questions from myself ,and for other people, that have meaning, and that a lot of people wonder about. Writing is my way of making people listen through their eyes. You can use writing, dancing, singing, actually talking, etc... to get your voice out there. But you actually have to DO IT. Nothing in life happens by itself (except all your involuntary organs and whatnot).
       Answer this question...How?

Why: Do Gay Females Like Studs? [Girls Who Dress Like Men] (Asked By Marissa)

       This is a funny question.
       First of all girls never know what they want. And in hinds sight a girl who likes a girl, who dresses like a man, is completely stupid. But then you have to think about..."equipment". Obviously, if a girl doesn't like men she's not gonna want a man. That's just common sense. But if there's a girl who looks slightly more manly than the rest, but she's very good looking as well, why can't a lesbian like her? I mean you have to think about it from a gay girl's point of view.
       Fems (a girly lesbian) a lot of the time want someone who's not as girly as them. They want that tomboy who looks really good. Studs (not so girly lesbian) wants to feel more empowered, like they are just as good as man, or possibly even better. Together, they're really a lot alike a straight couple...except for "equipment".
       You know, this question is usually asked by people who don't like/get gay people. If you don't get why they're attracted to a certain type of person...don't worry about it! It's not your problem or your life. And really I think the only people who should attempt to answer this question would be other gay people. Because a straight person really can't understand the logic we have about this.
      So...Gay community...Tell me...Why?

Why: Do Humans Exist? How: Did We Come Into Existence? (Asked By Alex)

      Hmm, well I know a lot of people's first answer to this question would be: God. And a lot of other people's answer would be somewhere along the lines of: Evolution. But in reality...I see no answer. Personally, I've asked myself a lot "Why do I see out my eyes?" and I can never come up with an answer that suites me. For a while, I just let it be "Well God made me so this is who I am." but that didn't reassure me enough in the end. It still bothers me to not know how I can be able to see through my eyes and not through everyone else's.
       "Why do humans exist?" I believe we exist because we're strong.... Let me explain that. Humans have been through a lot over the years, we've had to fight for just about everything that we've been given right? So why not have had to fight for life as well? I know that sounds weird, but I believe our species was the strongest and most able to survive here on Earth. Oh, and like I said before I'm not knocking anyone's beliefs, I'm just putting a thought out into the world.
       "How did we come into existence?"...I have absolutely no answer for that. I could say we magically appeared one day and babies started popping up everywhere. I could say we evolved from monkeys that were already inhabiting the Earth. I could say God created the world and Adam and Eve were the first people to walk the Earth. And if I said any of those things there's always a possibility that I could be wrong. All of those answers could be wrong for all I know. Again...Not trying to offend anyone. I just truly can't say I have a strong answer for that question.
       So you tell me...Why? How?

Why: Raise The Debt Deficit? (Asked By Danika)

       We spend a lot of money...Then when we have no more, so we borrow too much money...Now we have no way to pay anyone back...And you still wanna borrow more money from people..? Is it just me or are there many problems with that? I think I mentioned this before..If China tells us to pay them back we are (for lack of a better word) screwed! Because we have NO MONEY! They'd end up taking over the United States pretty much. And yet we're willing to raise this deficit...At this point I think we should just print more money. Or if there is any country out there who owes us money we could attempt to collect. But I don't really see that happening.
       After we raise the deficit we're going to give the military a pay increase, which will get us closer to the new maximum...What sense does that even make? One- The military shouldn't need a pay increase, because that should be the highest paid profession but it's not. Two- Are we really that stupid? And three- If I can think about this and see all the problems here...What are they thinking about in Washington D.C?
       Bill Burr (a comedian) says that Pres. Obama was elected to the White House because they wanted to blame everything on a black guy...Honestly, the way all of this is going I can see how he'd come to that conclusion. Not trying to offend anybody, but whoever is in Pres. Obama's ear telling him this is a good idea needs to go jump off a bridge.
       Now, you guys tell me what you think...Why?