What're your questions for the world?


Hey! This blog is about asking questions that're on my mind or that people may ask me. These are not little questions really and they can have multiple answers so feel free to answer them as you see fit. The whole point of the site is to have people think about the world and the way things are. If you don't agree with something I've said tell me why with a comment (you have to have a google account), but please don't use that as a way to be obnoxious. Everything is pretty much up in the air when it comes to what you think and how you feel about something so I can't really set down any guidelines other than don't be too judgmental of another comment or of something I may have said.

Stay open-minded and hear people out. =]

Hope you enjoy and don't criticize what I'm trying to say too harshly. Although of course I'm open to criticism and debates. =]


Also...Email me @: tomiahayes@yahoo.com if you have a question you'd like to have posted on the site. Remember they have to be versatile and have many possible answers and they can't be...child-ish.

Friday, October 28, 2011

(Honestly!) Why: Don't Parents Accept Their Kids Being Gay? (Asked By Poof)

       Parents are the most protective people in the world, well at least the good parents are. They feel as though they have to protect their kids from everything. Shield them from the world itself. Sometimes though, in doing so, they fail to realize that a child, teen, or young adult, is gonna branch out on their own eventually and find their own interests. A lot of people these days are religious. Religious parents never want their children to be gay. They have the mind set of "If my child's gay they're going to burn in hell." I've always wondered if they ever took the time to think to themselves "My child has been exposed to all the religiousness I've been exposed to, have they thought about the possible consequences?" Maybe if they thought about that they'd realize that a lot the time we do. 

        Now, we all know about the religious parents. They fear for our souls. What is to become of us after death for being gay. But then, there's also the major homo-phobes. The parents who talk about gay people day in and day out never giving gay people a chance at being liked. Gays with parents like that never really can get through to them. Everything a gay is in that parent's mind is filth, disgust, and wrong. There's no accepting to them, there's just getting rid of. 

        My point is, parents can't accept what they're not open to. The two biggest examples are above. And sometimes even when they do accept it, they don't like it. It's not fair. I have a lot of experience with that. It hurts more than they know, but they think the hurt of us being gay is worse. And really who are we to tell them it's not? 

        But you tell me world...why can't they accept us?

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

How: Are People Suppose To Be?

       How are people suppose to be? What exactly is the social standard for living your life? WHAT A QUESTION! Hmm, why didn't I think of this before? 

       1st: Let's ask ourselves how we INDIVIDUALLY think people should be. 
       2nd: Let's ask ourselves how everyone else SEES US.
       3rd: Think about the DIFFERENCES and the SIMILARITES.

       With all of that on you're mind....think about how selfish you are and how selfish the world is as a whole. Think about how people judge you and try to change you. Think about how people don't accept what they don't understand. Think about religions and schools and all kinds of beliefs. 

       There is NO way to be! There is the just the way you ARE. And nothing's wrong with that. Hitler wanted the perfect world..Did he get it? No, of course not. If he got his way our population would be close to none by now, if not none already!

       If you wouldn't change for someone why would change for society itself? Is that fair to you? No...Not at all. For every gay person out there I'd just like to say, you're a great example of what I'm talking about. If the world had their way we wouldn't be here. There'd be no such thing as GAY PRIDE. Thing is we don't think about how people WANT us to be. We think about how WE WANT TO BE and we stick with it.

       Like I said...There's is no one every person is suppose to be. It's about how you want to be. That's just me though...You tell me. How are people suppose to be?


If: God Doesn't Give You More Than You Can Handle, Why Do People Commit Suicide? (Asked By Meghan)

       Alright, so this is a sensitive question because of the religious attachment. I'm not saying that suicide isn't a big thing, but when you add God into the picture a whole lot more is involved. Now...Let the madness begin.

       Now since this question is religion based I have to answer it in such a way. In the bible it says that God doesn't give us more than we can handle, but who's to say we all know what that means? Some people may not realize that they haven't even reached their limit when they think about suicide. They may just think about "the now", the moment when they want to get out, away from all the problems that seem to pile up too high to think about.

       Suicide is based on pure emotion. Emotion that overpowers people from deep within themselves. Be it from anger or depression, it's still powerful emotions that are balled up inside of people. When things happen to push people to that point, God isn't always in the forefront of their minds. Now, I must say a lot of people do pray, read their bibles, or think about WJWD (What Jesus Would Do), but that's not everyone. 

       The best answer I can give about this particular subject is that people go with what their emotions tell them to do. Just because God doesn't give us more than we can handle doesn't mean we don't always feel as if it IS more than we can handle. That's just how we're made. We don't think about how much worse it could be...And if we are suicidal and thinking about how much worse it could be, we get it into our minds that it's GOING TO BE that much worse soon. Case in point, we may be able to handle it...we just choose not to!

      But hey, that's just how I see it. What do you think readers?

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

What: Is A Promise?

       I've always been told that keeping a promise is the one thing you should always do. My brother doesn't realize this but one day he will get the $50 I owe him, we made a deal, a type of promise, or oath, and I'm going to give him the money I owe him. My parents always tell me that if they promise me something they'll do whatever they can to make it happen, because of that statement I wish they'd promise me a lot of things. Maybe then I would feel a lot better about the things they tell me. Maybe I'd trust it a little more. Really...What is there to trust? Parents say things they don't mean all the time...They say tell their children that they say things they don't mean, but what could they be talking about? The things the child holds on to, keeping them close to their hearts, or the not so meaningful things? What a question...

       A promise is sacred. An oath you give to someone. It's something for the person to hold on to. When you break a promise you break someone's spirit...You break their heart really. So why break a promise? Why promise something at all if you know you can't keep that promise in the first place?...So many questions. 

       I feel like I'm venting in this so I'm going to end here. Tell me. What IS a promise?

Is: There Such Thing As A Happy Birthday?

       I feel as if "Happy Birthday" is a false statement. Is there really such thing as a "Happy" birthday?... Today's my birthday, and I feel as though everything's turned against me. I don't feel like today's as happy as people tell me it is. My birthday...My birthday. Who would've thought that I'd be here typing this entry about how my birthday turned out to be one of the worst days of my life. I've never cared about the presents, the people all around, or the fact that I've even aged a year. I just never want to be burdened by the people in my life...But I feel as though every year the same thing happens: I end up crying myself to sleep. 

       My grandmother past away on my birthday years ago...it's always stuck with me. It's never going to leave me. There's no way for it to. Just with that being on my brain every year is enough to drive someone like me to tears...every year when I wake up at midnight to wish myself a "Happy" birthday. That's not the only thought that comes to mind every year...There's another that's on my mind almost everyday. The fact of growing older and still being the same. The same person everyone seems to be ashamed of. Sure, the family doesn't say it, but the way they all act towards me...A complete stranger would be able to see it. It's sad when an acquaintance comes up to you and asks if you're alright after they see how much of an oddball you are in your family, how much you're family treats you as a kind of outsider, even those who swear up and down they never will. 

       All I'm trying to say is...maybe there is such a thing as a "Happy Birthday"...Maybe someone in the world has one every year with nothing going wrong. MAYBE. Just maybe. I just know that's not how this is going for me. It went great at first...I didn't think anything would change my mind...But now as I write this I'm close to tears...Just like I am every year. EVERY year. If someone asked me what my birthday wish was I'd say: To have a "Happy Birthday".....You'd think that's an easy thing to be done, but October 25th is proof that that's not true at all.

       I'm telling you I don't believe in "Happy Birthday" but hey...You're not me I'm not you. Is there such thing as a Happy Birthday? You tell me....