What're your questions for the world?


Hey! This blog is about asking questions that're on my mind or that people may ask me. These are not little questions really and they can have multiple answers so feel free to answer them as you see fit. The whole point of the site is to have people think about the world and the way things are. If you don't agree with something I've said tell me why with a comment (you have to have a google account), but please don't use that as a way to be obnoxious. Everything is pretty much up in the air when it comes to what you think and how you feel about something so I can't really set down any guidelines other than don't be too judgmental of another comment or of something I may have said.

Stay open-minded and hear people out. =]

Hope you enjoy and don't criticize what I'm trying to say too harshly. Although of course I'm open to criticism and debates. =]


Also...Email me @: tomiahayes@yahoo.com if you have a question you'd like to have posted on the site. Remember they have to be versatile and have many possible answers and they can't be...child-ish.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

How: Can We Be So Sure That There's Life After Death? (Asked by Cole)

       FIRST OF ALL:

   We aren't sure of anything! 

       Now, a lot of people have asked this question in different ways. At first I wasn't gonna answer it due to that fact, but I decided I should make something very clear: WE DON'T KNOW ANYTHING!

       If we KNEW do you think people would do the things that they do now? Would they be so in the wrong knowing of what was to come? People AREN'T that stupid! THE WORLD IS THE WAY IT IS BECAUSE WE DON'T KNOW ANYTHING!


    What is it with you all asking the same question?

        Look, I don't want to answer the same questions over and over again. When you're thinking of a question maybe you should look at my site before asking to see if some derivative of the question has already been asked. If you don't do that then you're gonna end up with one of these, where I'm kind of annoyed (no offense to you Cole), I don't enjoy repeating myself so frequently.


     A lot you seem worried about this...so...

       If you're all so worried about the afterlife if there is one, is there something you need to get off your chest? Are you worried that you won't make it? This is just what I see from all these questions. If so you need to think about yourself for a little while. Just saying!

       But hey world! What do you think the answer is to this?

Why: Are People More Afraid of Darkness Then Light? (Asked by Amar)

       Hmm. What an interesting question.

       This brings me to think about the definitions of dark and light, as well as black and white.
       Dark: sinister; evil: a dark purpose
       Black: lacking hue and brightness; absorbing light without reflecting any of the rays composing it.

       Light: an illuminating agent or source, as the sun, a lamp, or a beacon.
       White: a color of pure snow, of the margins of this page, etc; reflecting nearly all rays of sunlight or a similar light.

       Now, looking at those definitions, which do you think would appeal to most people on a  regular basis? (Don't even think about pulling the race card with this one!) I'm just trying to say that when things are bright or light people are drawn more to it. There's nothing to really be afraid of, or at least that's not the first thing that we think --> "Oh no it's bright turn away turn away!" is never our first response. It's always "Hmm dark cave or light cave? LIGHT CAVE." that's just how life is!

       If there wasn't for how we see blackness we wouldn't fear it so much. Being afraid of the dark or "darkness" as Amar put it, is a part of human nature. Think about it, when we were little kids how many of us has night lights? I know I did! As we grew older we learned to tolerate the dark. Or at least that's how I see it. I still have my moments when I have to put my head under the cover, hiding from things that aren't even there (Yea yea funny shut up). Even adults try to front sometimes. They're just lucky they have someone else in their room most of the time. 

       That's pretty much all the answer I can give you, considering I don't know everything or even want to. So my dear readers tell me what you think. Why're people are of dark rather then light?