Now, a lot of people say that there are no stupid questions. Many school teachers inform there students of that on a daily basis. Some elaborate and say "The only stupid question is the question not asked" <-- does that even make any sense? How is it stupid if it was never asked in the first place? I completely disagree with the whole "there are no stupid questions" thing. I think it's just a bunch of b.s we feed children when they're younger. I mean, sure, it's a good thing to inquire, I'm not saying we shouldn't ask questions...I'm just saying... THERE IS ALWAYS A STUPID QUESTION.
Let me explain my thinking a little for you all. I've been going to public schools all my life, and a lot of the time people say that the private school people get a better education BLAH BLAH BLAH, but today I heard a question that made me write this. During a VOLLEYBALL game right after the announcer said "WELCOME TO EAGLE VIEW VOLLEYBALL!" really loud over the intercom, a girl turned to her mother and asked "So, what's this sport called?"....I know what you're thinking...Maybe she was trying to be funny? Wrong. She had the blankest look on her face. She was completely confused. Maybe she was young? Wrong. She looked to be around 13 or 14. Maybe she's "slow"? HA! Obviously. I wasn't the only one who heard this ridiculous question. People all around focused there attention on her, the girl's own mother just sat there staring at her like she didn't know what the girl had asked....What did I do? LAUGH.
For the record, I'm not trying to be mean. I'm just saying....There are stupid questions whether you choose to believe it or not. They are everywhere. That was just my example for today. On several other occasions I'd encountered other "slow" individuals, who went and asked similar questions a lot like the girls, and honestly before I even thought about answering there question I had to laugh. It's just in my nature. Just to clear the air, I had to put that out there. It bothered me to think that so many people go around asking so many dumb questions all the time. If you're one of these people...No, don't go and try to be offended now, you're the one not thinking. Don't blame me for your obtuseness.
Anyway....What is a stupid question? I know you all have heard one once before....