What're your questions for the world?


Hey! This blog is about asking questions that're on my mind or that people may ask me. These are not little questions really and they can have multiple answers so feel free to answer them as you see fit. The whole point of the site is to have people think about the world and the way things are. If you don't agree with something I've said tell me why with a comment (you have to have a google account), but please don't use that as a way to be obnoxious. Everything is pretty much up in the air when it comes to what you think and how you feel about something so I can't really set down any guidelines other than don't be too judgmental of another comment or of something I may have said.

Stay open-minded and hear people out. =]

Hope you enjoy and don't criticize what I'm trying to say too harshly. Although of course I'm open to criticism and debates. =]


Also...Email me @: tomiahayes@yahoo.com if you have a question you'd like to have posted on the site. Remember they have to be versatile and have many possible answers and they can't be...child-ish.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

How: Can Beauty Only Be Skin Deep If Someone's Soul Is Beautiful? (Asked By Bashiri)

       "Beauty Is In The Eyes Of The Beholder"
       Now, a lot of people are...blind. When I say blind I mean they can't see past another person's face. Beauty is not only skin deep, for people who take the time to look at someone's soul they get a love that's strong. For other's who do not...they can surely just get heartbreak. 
       Shallow people for one, aren't worth the time of those who are genuinely looking for love. If they can't take the time to see deeper into someone's heart then they can't truly be looking for love. 
       But that's just what I think about that subject...What do you

**Never Thought I'd Wanna Post This Song For Something But It's The Perfect Match For This Question. Think About It!**

What: Is the Meaning Of Life (Asked By Connor)

       I don't think there's a meaning deeper than the fact that we're here to live (but that's just me). 
       If you've seen the movie "Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy" the meaning of life is "7". How they got that I'll never know. I think the question you should want more of an answer to is: What do I want to do with my life? 
       See the reason why I say that is because if you figure out what you want out of life and what you want to do with it, you'll find your own meaning. You won't have to have someone else tell you what you're suppose to, it's all about what you want to do, what you want to make happen for you. Now, if you don't have as many opportunities as others then you may not see your meaning. But that doesn't necessarily mean that you don't have one. To see your true potential you have to keep your eyes wide open. 
       The meaning of life is whatever we make it out to be in my opinion. I am more than likely wrong, but that's how I chose to see it. 
        What do you think?

Why: Do People Fight Over Religion When They're All Basically The Same? (Asked By Amar)

       Perfect question! I mean, like HELLO! We're all talking about the same thing. Why're we being so dang picky about which religion is the best? I don't want to offend anyone but think about it. How dense can you get? Just because someone may have interpreted the word of God slightly different from another person doesn't mean they are different in any sense. For example: Christians and Catholics. Someone tell me why these two religions aren't the same...I mean when you take the time to think about it, they are.
       So what if two religions call God different names? So what if in this religion they say you can't eat pork and in another they don't care? So what if you one religion doesn't believe in celebrating Christmas or Halloween and another does? They all are trying to get to the same place!!!
       You know, it's just my opinion, but I think that before we thought up all of these different religions there was only one. Then, because someone decided they wanted to have followers (ha, like twitter) they went and made a new church and said "Hey, you've got to follow what I say about getting to Heaven, 'cause they do this and it says here we shouldn't do this if we want to get to Heaven." You may think I'm joking, but I'm deadly serious. Why can't religions just merge all of their beliefs into one? Or better yet why can't we figure out why certain religions have all these restrictions that they believe will get them to Heaven and other religions find they have on use for them? Is someone just having a serious case of brown nosing or something? 
       I don't know...You guys tell me...Why?

Is: It Better To Be Loved Or Feared? (Asked By Cole)

       This question (depending on the type of person you are) is very simple to answer...in a way.
       If you are feared, no one will mess with you (at first), you'll feel like you're on top, and you'll also have a lot more enemies than you may realize. Though it may seem like you're in control, people will be plotting against you, they'll be waiting for you to slip up even the slightest bit, and because they fear you so much they'll be happy to be rid of you. Fear can make people do crazy things in life...Take all the horror films you've seen for example...Those people are scared out of their minds...And so, they do the stupidest things. To have people fear you can make them do pretty reckless things...to themselves...or to you. That kind of responsibility can be far too much for any person. Take Hitler for example. He had an entire race of people living in fear...he was killing them off...and how many people do you think wanted to kill him? Didn't people even try to assassinate him? And what happened in the end? He killed himself.
       Being loved is the best feeling in the world. Be it by your family, your friends, or your significant other, it feels great. To have people love you makes you kind of whole. Though, no matter what there's always gonna be someone who dislikes you, and doesn't have your best interest, but there will be so many others who do. Ever heard the saying "Love conquers all"? I say that those are the most true words anyone could have said. You don't need fear to have a type of power...Love is more powerful than anything anyways...
      But you tell me...Which is better?

What: Is Our Purpose In Life? (Asked By Daryela)

       OUR purpose? As a whole? Well let's think...What do we do here? In the world I mean. What do we do here more than we do any other thing, without really knowing it?... We LIVE. And I have to say we're doing a fabulous job of living right now.
       I don't know the "plan" for the world or for all the people here, all I know is that ,right now, and for a a very long time after this, we're gonna be living in this life. We were obviously given life for a reason, though that reason may not have shown itself to us yet, we still live. Until we're all given a set of instructions, I don't think we'll ever know if we have any other purpose outside doing what we seem made to do.
       We have lungs to breathe, we have stomachs so that we're full, we have eyes so that we can see, and we have hearts so that we may live. What's even better is that we can give life to another. Really, I see that as all the purpose we need.
       That's my take on it...What's yours? What is our purpose?

Is: Nothing Something? (Asked By Alex)

       You can look at this question a few different ways...One way would be the typical:  (question) "Is something wrong?" (answer) "Oh it's nothing." Looking at it that way, something is always wrong. Just putting that out there. No matter how happy someone is, or may look, SOMETHING is always bothering them deep inside. That's a fact that I've learned recently. In that scenario, nothing is something.
       There's also this scenrio: (question) "What're you thinking about?" (answer) "Nothing". That's impossible. Our brains are pretty much always active. You may think you're thinking about something but just by thinking you're not makes you think about it. Which means you're a liar (lol).
       On a more serious note...Nothing can be something, but something can't be nothing.
       What I mean is no matter how we try hard we try to use the word nothing there's always something. When there was nothing on Earth...there was still something there. When you see nothing in front of you, you're still seeing something. We you see something, you can't be looking at nothing. When you're thinking about something , you can't be thinking about nothing. It's all very confusing...
       But what do you think? Is nothing something?

Is: Heaven Really Real Or Is It Just A Fixation People Use To Be Comfortable With Death? (Asked By Maria)

       I've actually thought about that before. A lot of people who believe in God will tell you right away that heaven is real and if you do what you're suppose to here on Earth that when the time comes that's where God will place you. The alternative being Hell. But as with anything that's religious there's always: Doubt, and people who don't believe in it at all.
       People who believe in God (or any other higher power), always say that the good people will not suffer and the bad people will. People who don't believe in anything of that nature are, probably looking at those you do like they're crazy. In the bible, the description of heaven is glorious. You'll have all you've ever wanted. The only thing is...I've never seen heaven ('cause well I'm not dead). I don't of there being any proof, other than what I've read in the bible. Now, I'm not saying I don't think it's there...I'm just saying I don't know how to prove to you that it's there.
      As for the part of the question about people using it just as a way to be comfortable with dying...That seems very logical. No one really WANTS to die, but having the hope of going to heaven is a good way to come to terms with it. That is unless you know your life has been anything but on the straight and narrow. What I'm saying is it's a large possibility that that's how heaven came about...but then again how could someone write an entire book (The Bible) and have such a detailed description of something only dead people can see?
       There's so much you've got to think about when it comes to that...But hey you tell me..Is it real?

Does: Free Will Exist? (Asked By Connor)

       First of all, what would be the definition of free will? The right to act however you please? We can go with that for now.
       If we free will existed we wouldn't need all the laws that we have. We'd do whatever, whenever we wanted.  We wouldn't have to worry about people not accepting us because they'd have no right to judge us. Of course, right now people don't have that right but they use it more than they use their own brains (in my opinion). If we had true free will...the world just might be a much more chaotic place.
       Our world is messed up enough as it is, and we have rules in place everywhere. If we didn't have these rules (laws) everything we would a free for all. That is if you define free will as doing basically whatever you want. Living your life as if you have no boundaries can be a larger problem than you may realize.
       So truly, I don't believe there's free will anywhere. Even as children we can't do what we want. Sure, we can poop our diapers for a little while..Then what happens? We have to get potty trained whether we want to or not.
       That's just my opinion though. Do you think free will exists??