What're your questions for the world?


Hey! This blog is about asking questions that're on my mind or that people may ask me. These are not little questions really and they can have multiple answers so feel free to answer them as you see fit. The whole point of the site is to have people think about the world and the way things are. If you don't agree with something I've said tell me why with a comment (you have to have a google account), but please don't use that as a way to be obnoxious. Everything is pretty much up in the air when it comes to what you think and how you feel about something so I can't really set down any guidelines other than don't be too judgmental of another comment or of something I may have said.

Stay open-minded and hear people out. =]

Hope you enjoy and don't criticize what I'm trying to say too harshly. Although of course I'm open to criticism and debates. =]


Also...Email me @: tomiahayes@yahoo.com if you have a question you'd like to have posted on the site. Remember they have to be versatile and have many possible answers and they can't be...child-ish.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Why: Do We Make Excuses For Ourselves?

      What's with all the excuses? Especially when it comes from an "important" person. Why do we have to make excuses for the things we say or do? If we feel a certain way about a subject why should we make an excuse for feeling that way? When you're in love with someone, and for whatever reason someone close to you doesn't approve, do you  make excuses for why you're in love? Or do you stick to that person anyway, not really caring what anyone has to say?
       I don't think we should live with excuses pressing us everywhere we turn. If you don't wanna to do something, say it! If you feel strongly about something and no one agrees, don't make an excuse to not follow along, tell them why! I mean...Everyone has a opinion, but really the only opinion that matters in the end is yours. How you feel is more important than how anyone else does. Point. Blank. Period.
       To be honest I made this post because I asked someone a very simple yes or no question, and they made up a very elaborate (too elaborate) excuse about it. All I could help thinking was "Dude just say YES OR NO." Of course that's not what happened. In the end I just said "Stop making up excuses! Why are you making excuses?" Now it doesn't matter. Their answer was no. That's all I was asking for!
       Anyway...Here's another question for you guys...Why?