I believe world peace would be so easy to come by if people all around the world (the people who run things) could just agree on everything. Of course that day will probably never come. Everyone has there own opinions, and everyone loves power. Which is our biggest downfall when it comes to the love another people. Think about it. If we could get everyone to see eye to eye on something it'd be the biggest accomplishment ever...But no...Someone always has to come out on top. This is, obviously, a money thing. Money runs countries and without it we too could be a third world country.
What I don't understand, and probably will never understand, is why power is such a big thing. Although people talk a big game about how much they'd like world peace, you never see the steps they're taking towards it. Especially the United States. We're seen as the bullies of the world. Which is, for the most part, true. We fight everyone's battles like as if they completely involve us, and when we go to war it's like "Oh crap it's all over now." Which could be taken as a good thing...Except we have a pretty big ego here in the U.S. We don't use what resources we have to attempt to guide people (including ourselves) to a type of complete unity.
Here's what I'm trying to say, if we could treat world peace like a treaty for the world...I think we could actually live in complete peace. We'd structure it where it seemed fit for all parties, abide to the guidelines that were set, and not have to worry about being bombed in the middle of the night. We'd all be equals in my mind. Right now, I don't see any reason why we aren't equals, or why we think we're better or worse than other people...But that just makes us sound like an insecure teenage girl (haha it's a joke).
So...Someone explain to me...Why?
"Questions For The World" is a site is for any and everyone. It's just a big Q&A session for whoever comes on the site. Be as open minded as possible and try to understand what other people say! There's also videos that have the potential to make you think about life, as well as poems with deep meanings! [= If you have a video or poem you'd like me to display just email me! Also, if you want to FOLLOW my blog enter your email address where it says "Email" (:
What're your questions for the world?
Hey! This blog is about asking questions that're on my mind or that people may ask me. These are not little questions really and they can have multiple answers so feel free to answer them as you see fit. The whole point of the site is to have people think about the world and the way things are. If you don't agree with something I've said tell me why with a comment (you have to have a google account), but please don't use that as a way to be obnoxious. Everything is pretty much up in the air when it comes to what you think and how you feel about something so I can't really set down any guidelines other than don't be too judgmental of another comment or of something I may have said.
Stay open-minded and hear people out. =]
Hope you enjoy and don't criticize what I'm trying to say too harshly. Although of course I'm open to criticism and debates. =]
Also...Email me @: tomiahayes@yahoo.com if you have a question you'd like to have posted on the site. Remember they have to be versatile and have many possible answers and they can't be...child-ish.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Why: Do So Many People Disapprove Of President Obama?
I am completely baffled by the way people talk about Pres. Obama. It's as if they expected all the baggage that was left to him to just disappear once he was in office. Yes, he had the saying "Yes we can" and he told us what he was going to do while in office...But any person who took a U.S History class (which should be anyone 13 years or older at the least) should know that the president isn't the one with the power. He has to talk to many people and get their approval before he can do just about anything. So why is it that we blame him for every little thing that happens here in the U.S.?
No, I'm not going to play the "Everybody is racist" card. Mainly, because I know that's not true. What I will say is that many, many people did not want this man in office...and yet here we are. Let me ask you this: Why do you think so many people voted for him? A lot of people would answer this question with "Because he's black". I'd just like to say that he's HALF black. So let's ask a better question...Why didn't as many people vote for McCain? You can't say because there are more black in the world because that's completely false. I'd like to point out that many black people didn't even vote for Obama. So..Why did this man of color win the 2008 election? Because he had a VISION that people wanted to see happen. And because so many people wanted to see it happen may just be the reason he's taking on so much heat. But a vision is a vision. It's not reality, it's a thought.
How many Republicans do you think wanted Democrat Barak Obama's vision to come true? How many times did he offer something, put something on the table, and have it rejected? Can you really say he didn't try to make it all come together? So why disapprove of him as our President?
Why: Are Gay People So Discriminated Against?
Now, I've been raised as a Christian all my life, so I obviously know what the bible says. I don't want to offend anyone but I think people are stupid for being so... judgmental and prejudice to gay people. It annoys me to see it. For so long African-American people were discriminated against and we had to fight for equality. Before that women also had to fight for equality because men put women so far below them. But through it all everyone was allowed to get married. EVERYONE...But the gay people.
With everything that the United States has done throughout the years they've never given gay people a real chance. Whether they be believers of God (or any other higher power) or they had no preference whatsoever, people everywhere dislike gay people. My question is...WHY DO YOU CARE SO MUCH ABOUT WHAT SOMEONE ELSE LIKES?! Okay so you don't agree with it...Whoop-de-doo. That doesn't mean you have to be so negative to that person or group of people. They aren't like you...WHO CARES?! Why does that even matter so much to people?
If someone else's life doesn't effect you directly AND completely why do you care? Parents disown children for being gay, people kill themselves for being hated for being gay, and people hide their entire lives just because they're afraid of what people will say if they know that they're gay. But WHY do all these things happen? No one should have to put up with all that just because they are different...it's UNFAIR.
Also something else I'd like to say...Gay people don't CHOOSE to be gay. Being gay chooses them! I really hate it when someone says "Well you chose to be gay...." all I have to say is that's not true. REAL gay people didn't just wake up one day and think "HEY! I'm gonna be gay starting today..." do you really think that's how it works? That's just down right stupid...
This video pretty much sums up how I feel about it...**WARNING: He is pretty explicit.**
With everything that the United States has done throughout the years they've never given gay people a real chance. Whether they be believers of God (or any other higher power) or they had no preference whatsoever, people everywhere dislike gay people. My question is...WHY DO YOU CARE SO MUCH ABOUT WHAT SOMEONE ELSE LIKES?! Okay so you don't agree with it...Whoop-de-doo. That doesn't mean you have to be so negative to that person or group of people. They aren't like you...WHO CARES?! Why does that even matter so much to people?
If someone else's life doesn't effect you directly AND completely why do you care? Parents disown children for being gay, people kill themselves for being hated for being gay, and people hide their entire lives just because they're afraid of what people will say if they know that they're gay. But WHY do all these things happen? No one should have to put up with all that just because they are different...it's UNFAIR.
Also something else I'd like to say...Gay people don't CHOOSE to be gay. Being gay chooses them! I really hate it when someone says "Well you chose to be gay...." all I have to say is that's not true. REAL gay people didn't just wake up one day and think "HEY! I'm gonna be gay starting today..." do you really think that's how it works? That's just down right stupid...
This video pretty much sums up how I feel about it...**WARNING: He is pretty explicit.**
Why: [A Poem]
Why does hunger spread throughout our nations
But we all have time for feasts and celebrations?
While people all over starve night after night
And to make matters worse they're in our line of sight
Yet we all aren't moved to be good people
Most are greedy and don't consider beggars equal
So why does hunger continuely spread?
Because we don't make sure every person is fed.
Why are we at war when we have no need to be
Sending our troops as sacrifices willingly?
Violence isn't the answer but it always comes to that
Like as if we enojoy losing family memebers to combat
But we sit back and do nothing, the outcome unknown
Convincing ourselves that everyone will come home
Why do we torture outselves so deeply when we don't have to?
'Cause the saying has always been "monkey see monkey do."
Why does money seem to be the "key" to life?
And every person malipulated by a payer's price?
Money causes the most problems the world suffers from
But money really has no value, and has made us become
A bunch of mindless beings controlled by dollar signs
Letting the amount we have ultimately define
The world we live in and this shouldn't be the case
Why have we made the world such a horrible place?
This is a poem I wrote about "Why" and I think it really asks some difficult questions for people who don't see the bigger picture...Do you understand?
Why: Do Entertainers Get Paid So Much?
Why do we let people get paid so much when they aren't doing anything worth paying them so much for? And they continually ask for more and more money like as if they deserve it!
I don't understand why football players, basketball players, singers, etc.. get paid more than a teacher, a war veteran, a firefighter, or a police officer. I don't see any logic behind paying someone to do something on T.V, when they have no real value to you! Everything is about money these days and we can entertain ourselves if we have to! And yet, we're all so willing to let them get paid millions of dollars a year, while our teachers, who teach children what they really need in life, struggle throughout the years, especially because they have whole summers off and don't get paid.
Firefighters, soldiers, and police officers, risk their lives for our freedom and yet they get minor incomes compared to: Peyton Manning, Tom Brady, Lil Wayne, and so many other people, who don't do anything groundbreaking so that their worth can be as great as we keep making it out to be. Why is that? Why is our world so confused with these matters? Because we pay these people so much a lot of young people grow up thinking if they can make it big then they don't have to do any work (school, college, etc), but that's far from reality!
Now with our debt crisis I see that our priorities are kind of (for lack of a better word) screwed. We're taking money from our SCHOOLS instead of from people with more money than they need...But of course everyone doesn't see it that way. No one with so much money wants to be downgraded to a lower class and life style. Especially those in our government who believe they are worth more than the people they send out to wars. Yea, a bunch of old men who sit around and make laws all day, are more valuable than the men and women who risk their lives so that they can. That really makes sense doesn't it? (Sarcasm!)
So...I ask you...Why?
I don't understand why football players, basketball players, singers, etc.. get paid more than a teacher, a war veteran, a firefighter, or a police officer. I don't see any logic behind paying someone to do something on T.V, when they have no real value to you! Everything is about money these days and we can entertain ourselves if we have to! And yet, we're all so willing to let them get paid millions of dollars a year, while our teachers, who teach children what they really need in life, struggle throughout the years, especially because they have whole summers off and don't get paid.
Firefighters, soldiers, and police officers, risk their lives for our freedom and yet they get minor incomes compared to: Peyton Manning, Tom Brady, Lil Wayne, and so many other people, who don't do anything groundbreaking so that their worth can be as great as we keep making it out to be. Why is that? Why is our world so confused with these matters? Because we pay these people so much a lot of young people grow up thinking if they can make it big then they don't have to do any work (school, college, etc), but that's far from reality!
Now with our debt crisis I see that our priorities are kind of (for lack of a better word) screwed. We're taking money from our SCHOOLS instead of from people with more money than they need...But of course everyone doesn't see it that way. No one with so much money wants to be downgraded to a lower class and life style. Especially those in our government who believe they are worth more than the people they send out to wars. Yea, a bunch of old men who sit around and make laws all day, are more valuable than the men and women who risk their lives so that they can. That really makes sense doesn't it? (Sarcasm!)
So...I ask you...Why?
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